Q:In four-ball stroke play on a handicap basis, partners A and B both holed out in 4 at the 8th hole; partner A did not receive a handicap stroke at the hole, but partner B did. The marker, who was a fellow-competitor, recorded a gross score of 4 for A, who did not receive a stroke, and no gross score for B. However, the marker also recorded a net 3 in the better-ball column.
On completion of the round, the card, in all other respects correct, was signed and returned to the Committee. Both the marker and the partners were interviewed, and it was established that in fact both partners had gross scores of 4 at the 8th hole. What is the ruling?
A:Under Rules 6-6b and 31-3, it was the responsibility of one of the partners to check the sides better-ball gross score for each hole before countersigning the card.
When checking the card, the partner concerned should have noticed that there was no gross score recorded for B at the 8th hole and should have corrected this mistake. As he did not do so, As gross 4 was the sides score for the hole. It is the responsibility of the Committee -- and not the competitor -- to record the better-ball net score for each hole. (Revised -- Formerly 31-4/1)
当检查比分卡的时候,同组球员应该注意到B在第8洞没有总成绩,他应该改正这个错误。记录每一洞的最佳净杆数是委员会的责任,而不是比赛者。(修正——之前的31-4/1) (golftime·Sara编译) |