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举办地点:深圳名商高尔夫球会 Address: Shenzhen Noble Merchant Golf Club
举办时间:2007年8月13日至16日 Date: 13th August 2007 to 16th August 2007
我国首席高尔夫球员张连伟先生将亲临现场为青少年选手做球技指导及签名。 China doyen professional golfer Mr. Zhang Lian wei will host a junior clinic and giving signature in the tournament.
我有兴趣参加于2007年8月13日至16日在深圳名商高尔夫球会举办的第七届“张连伟”杯国际青少年高尔夫球邀请赛。 Here is to confirmed joining the 7th “Zhang Lianwei” Cup International Junior Golf Invitational at Shenzhen Noble Merchant Golf Club at 2007-08-13 to 08-16.

我保证以上提供的资料真实有效,根据中国高尔夫球协会的有关规定。赛事主办单位保留权力,在必要时,要求球员出具相关证明材料。 By signing this application you are agreeing to abide by all the conditions and regulation of the China Golf Association, and that the information given in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. Tournament Committee reserves the right to require or request certification of all players if necessary.
____________________________________ (球员签名/Player’s Signature)
考虑到我的孩子将要参加第七届“张连伟”杯国际青少年高尔夫球邀请赛,我特此申明,对于上述比赛和训练过程中出现的任何可能的人身事故和财产损失,赛事主办单位及其承办机构不承担任何责任。赛事主办单位有权使用有关此比赛和训练中我孩子的肖像权。 Considering my child is playing in the 7th “Zhang Lianwei” Cup International Junior Golf Invitational, I declare that the competition committee has no responsibility for any accidents and belongings lost during this competition and any practice. Tournament committee reserves the right to use your child’s image that during this competition and practice. ____________________________________ (球员家长或法定监护人签名/Player’s parent or legal guardian’s Signature)
请提供比赛获奖证明复印件。 Please provide the copies of award that you had.
此表须监护人签字生效。 This application must be have your guardian’s signature to become effective.
报名截止日期:2007年8月8日。请将此表格传真至: Deadline : 2007-08-08. Please Fax this form to:
中信朝向高尔夫管理有限公司 Citic Forward Golf Management Company 地址:深圳市深圳南大道6008号特区报业大厦28层A、B区 Address: Block A & Block B, 28/F, Special Zone Daily Building,#6008 Shennan Road, Shenzhen 电话:0755-83515985 Tel: +86 755 83515985 传真:0755-83516777 Fax: +86 755 83516777 联系人:黄诘浈、杨美华 Contact person: Ms. Huang Jiezhen & Ms. Yang Meihua |