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The USGA Handicap System
has rapidly become the more popular system
of handicapping in the world of golf. As
well as the Americas, it is increasingly
being adopted by Golf Associations across
Asia and Europe. The advantage of the system
is consistency and fairness, since players
must post scores every time they play, be
it in friendly games or in competitions,
at their home course or another. When playing
at another course, a golfer’s handicap can
be adjusted up or down to take account for
the playing difficulty of that course.
Now that the system has been computerized,
it is possible for a Golf Association to
centralize the calculation of handicaps
and thus ensure uniformity across all participating
golf clubs.
The Hong Kong Golf Association is already
issuing the USGA Handicap System and the
China Golf Association is now in the process
of implementing it throughout Golf Clubs
in China.
Upon application and receipt of a minimum
of five score cards (or score history in
another USGA system), you will be issued
your own personal handicap ID card. This
will carry your name, your unique ID number,
and your photography. Every time you play,
you must submit a scorecard. Each month,
you will receive your updated handicap index
from your club representative or mail from
Richtone Worldwide Ltd. It will be given
to you in the form of a peel off label which
is applied to the back of your handicap
ID card. Your scoring history (up to the
last 20 scores) is maintained on file and
can be called up via the computer located
at the club by keying in your handicap number.
Your new handicap ID card will be recognized
as proof of handicap at virtually any golf
club that acknowledges the USGA Handicap
System. If you Play at a course in Hong
Kong, you will be able to submit your score
into the system there and it will automatically
register in the China Golf Association System.
Each participant in the handicap system
is required to pay an annual fee of HK$360
to cover processing and administrative costs.
This is payable to the club upon application.
Any late entry fees will be calculated on
a prorated basis. The renewal date for all
applicants is September 1st and March 1st
of every year.
To obtain your USGA Handicap Index, fill
out the application form and enclose your
fee and scoring history. This should be
handed into your club office or Richtone
Worldwide Ltd.
Our address is: Suite 512, Central Building,
1-3 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong.
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