1-2/5 Player Putts with One Hand and Catches Ball in Hole with Other Hand Q. A player whose ball is on the lip of the hole putts with one hand and catches the ball with his other hand after the ball is below the level of the lip of the hole. What is the ruling?
A. The player purposely stopped his moving ball. In match play, he lost the hole — Rule 1-2. In stroke play, he incurred a penalty of two strokes and was required to place his ball on the lip of the hole and hole out — Rule 1-2. If he did not do so, he was disqualified under Rule 3-2 for failing to hole out. In order for a ball to be holed (see Definition of "Holed"), it must be at rest within the circumference of the hole.
1-2/5 球员用一只手推杆,另一只手在洞里接住了球
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