25-1b/20 Stance Interfered with by Burrowing Animal Hole; Unreasonable to Play Stroke Because of Other Condition Q:A players ball is in an indentation at the base of a tree in such a position that it is clearly unreasonable for him to play a stroke. Despite this, the player claims relief without penalty under Rule 25-1 because his stance for a stroke at the ball in the indentation would be on a burrowing animal hole. Is the player entitled to relief without penalty under Rule 25-1b?
A:Under the Exception to Rule 25-1b a player may not obtain relief from an abnormal ground condition if it is clearly unreasonable for him to play a stroke due to interference by something other than such a condition. In the circumstances described above, the players ball is unplayable as it lies in an indentation at the base of a tree. Therefore, the player is not entitled to relief under Rule 25-1 from the burrowing animal hole.
25-1b/20 站姿受洞穴动物制造的洞影响;因为其他因素不可打
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