【golftime讯】中国(2009海南)高尔夫高峰论坛2月16-20日在海南三亚举行。这是继2008年珠海论坛后,在中国大陆举办的有关高尔夫发展的最高规格,最具有影响力的峰会。论坛将围绕绿色、友谊、发展的主题,就高尔夫在中国政治、经济、文化诸方面的发展展开讨论,众多国内外嘉宾将参与讨论。2月17日8:30论坛开始,第二位演讲的是美国PGA TOUR执行副总裁Mr.Votaw——议题《世界高尔夫球当前形势及其前景》:

世界高尔夫球当前形势及其前景 主讲人:美国PGA TOUR执行副总裁Mr.VotawMr.Votaw
Good morning… my name is Ty Votaw, and I am the Executive Director of the International Golf Federation. I am also the Executive Vice President of Communications and International Affairs for the U.S. based PGA TOUR, the largest and most successful professional golf tour in the world. 各位早上好,我是Ty Votaw,是国际高尔夫联合会的执行理事,也是美国职业高尔夫球协会巡回赛交流以及国际事务委员会执行副主席,也就是我们熟知的PGA赛事,它是目前世界上规模最大也是最为成功的职业高尔夫球比赛。 Today it is my great privilege to be here with you to share my perspectives on the prospect of World Golf. 今天, 我非常荣幸能够来到这里和大家分享我对世界高尔夫球未来的看法。 In my capacity as Executive Director of the International Golf Federation, I am charged with leadings golf’s bid to become an Olympic sport and be added to the Programme for the 2016 Olympic Games. As I stand with you here today, I am pleased to report that all of golf is united behind our effort – we are one sport – one team – with one objective – to return golf to the Olympic Programme. This is a new, fully coordinated and fully inclusive endeavour by the world of golf. 作为国际高尔夫球联合会的执行理事,我的主要工作之一就是带领高尔夫运动加入2016年的奥林匹克运动会。正如今天我站在这里和大家相聚一样,我非常高兴地告诉大家在我们为着同一个目标联合起来了,高尔夫球运动是一个统一的运动,我们都属于同一个队伍,我们有着同样的目标,那就是让高尔夫球回归到奥林匹克大家庭。这对高尔夫球界来说是一个全新的、需要充分协调、充分包容的奋斗目标。 Our unified approach is illustrated by the IGF and its 119 member federations, including the China Golf Association, bringing together golf’s amateur and professional codes through the Ladies’ Professional Golf Association, the Masters Tournament, the PGA European Tour, the PGA of America, the PGA TOUR, The R&A and the Unites States Golf Association. These entities are the world’s leading golf organizations and governing bodies, with the IGF serving as the managing body for this global effort. Together, we are all working to make Golf’s Olympic dream a reality. 正如国际高尔夫球联合会以及119个成员,包括中国高尔夫球协会所支持的,我们实现统一的办法就是统一业余高尔夫组织和职业高尔夫球组织的规章制度,这包括女子职业高尔夫球协会、高尔夫球名人赛、美国职业高尔夫球协会欧洲巡回赛、美国职业高尔夫球协会美国巡回赛、美国职业高尔夫球协会世界巡回赛、英国皇家圣安德鲁斯古老高尔夫球俱乐部以及美国高尔夫球协会。这些组织都是在世界上处于领先地位的高尔夫球组织和领导机构,而国际高尔夫球联合会是这些组织在全球范围内活动的管理者。我们都致力于让高尔夫运动的奥林匹克梦成为现实。 It is no exaggeration when I say that the entire world of golf is united behind this effort – all major tours and organizations representing the game’s 60 million participants are fully supportive of our bid and this includes the top professionals from both the men’s and women’s games. Whether it is Tiger Woods or Lorena Ochoa, Sergio Garcia or Paula Creamer, the world’s top players want to see golf added to the Olympic Games. 当我说全世界高尔夫的力量都为着同一个目标联合起来是毫不夸张的说法,因为代表着6000万高尔夫球参与者的所有主要赛事和组织都全力支持实现这个目标,这其中也包括男子和女子赛事中的顶尖职业选手。不论是老虎·伍兹,萝莲娜·欧秋雅,还是塞尔吉奥·加西亚,保拉·克里默,这些世界顶级的选手都希望看见高尔夫加入到奥林匹克运动之中。 The love of sport and the belief in the ideals that great sport exemplifies is really whey we are seeking to bring golf to the Olympics. As the Olympic Games – and more importantly its ideals – enter their fourth millennium, it is clear that the spirit of Olympism is more important than ever. 因为我们对高尔夫的热爱和相信伟大的运动可以产生示范作用,所以我们才努力将高尔夫带入奥运会。正当奥林匹克运动会——更重要的是奥林匹克理想——进入第四个千年之时,我们都清楚地认识到奥林匹克精神比以往任何时候都更加重要。 The world of golf is united like never before in our Olympic quest. One of the many reasons for this passion is the beautiful and successful staging of the 2008 Beijing Olympics. We congratulate Mr. He and everyone who worked so hard to make the Beijing Olympics so successful. When the world’s top golfers saw the wonderful way in which the Beijing Games were staged and the compelling performances in those Games, their support for adding golf to the Olympics only increased. 面对奥林匹克的考验世界高尔夫球界达到了前所未有的团结。我们之所以具有如此激情的众多原因之一就是2008北京奥运会的成功举办。我在这里祝贺何振梁先生以及那些为北京奥运会成功举办付出辛勤劳动的人们。当世界顶级的高尔夫选手们看到北京奥运会组织工作如此出色,并且每项运动都表现出很高的竞技水平,他们就更加坚定了支持高尔夫进入奥运会的决心。 The ability of the Olympic Games to each the concepts of friendship, respect, excellence and fair play to young people is unparalleled. These same values form the foundation and basis for our sport. 友谊、尊重、卓越以及公平竞争的奥林匹克价值观对年轻人的影响是无与伦比的。这些价值观同样也是高尔夫球运动的基础和根据。 Just as the Olympic Charter guides the Olympic Movement, so our sport has been guided by a document called the “Rules of Golf”, compiled from earlier localized versions by The R&S in 1899 – almost at the same time as the Olympic Charter. But unlike other sports, the rules of golf not only dictate the rules of the game, they actually prescribe a code of behavior and ethics for our athletes. 正如《奥林匹克宪章》指导奥林匹克运动一样,我们高尔夫球运动的指导文件叫做《高尔夫球规则》,这一规则是根据英国皇家圣安德鲁斯古老高尔夫球俱乐部1899年的规则版本修订而来的,这几乎与《奥林匹克宪章》的问世是同一时间。但是与其他运动项目不同,高尔夫球的规则不仅仅决定高尔夫球的运动规则,实际上它为运动员制定了一整套的行为和道德规范。 Like the Olympic Charter, the Rules of Golf have been regularly updated to suit modern conditions, but the ethos of the game has remained unchanged. 与《奥林匹克宪章》相同,《高尔夫球规则》一直都定期更新以适应现代社会,但是运动的精神却始终如一。 The Rules of Golf begin with section one called “Etiquette – Behaviour on the Course.” This is fundamental to golf – played in large part without the supervision of an umpire or a referee. Our sport relies on the integrity of the individual players to abide by and self-enforce the rules, whether to their advantage or disadvantage. 高尔夫球规则》的开篇部分名为“球场上的礼仪和行为规范”。这对高尔夫来说是基础性的——应为运动员在球场上很多时候是没有裁判监督的。我们的运动依赖于每个运动员的正直来自觉遵守规则,不管对他们的比赛结果是有利还是无利。 An example of this is the following passage from the Rules of Golf itself: 下面引用一段《高尔夫球规则》中的内容作为例子: The game relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the Rules. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be. This is the spirit of the game of golf. 运动依赖于个人的正直来显示他对其他球员的关心,并且遵守规则。所有参与者都应让自己的行为符合纪律的要求,不论他们可能处于多么激烈的竞争中,在任何时候都要表现出礼貌和体育道德。这就是高尔夫球运动的精神所在。 As you can see, we know and understand that respect and fair play are the essence of sport. Self-enforcement of the rules by our players, which is now ingrained in the game and second-nature to all of golf’s participants, is one of the traits that makes golf unique and perfectly suited for the Olympic Games. 正如您所看到的,我们了解和理解尊重和公平竞争是体育的本质。我们的球员对规则自觉遵守执行,现在在高尔夫运动中已经根深蒂固,对所有高尔夫的参与者来说都是一种习惯,是高尔夫所具有的独特特质,并且使得高尔夫非常适合奥运会。 We have a tremendous desire for our sport to join the Olympic Games. To that end, the world of golf is prepared to make the following unprecedented commitment: 我们对于高尔夫运动加入奥运会有着非常强烈的愿望。为了实现这个愿望,高尔夫球界准备做出以下前所未有的承诺: We will adjust our major championship schedule, to ensure that no major championship conflicts or competes with the Olympic Golf competition as well as the availability of the sport’s best athletes for participation. 我们将调整我们主要大满贯赛事的时间表,以确保任何大满贯赛赛事都不会与奥林匹克运动会发生冲突或竞争,以保证最好的运动员能够有时间参加奥运会。 Under the leadership of the International Golf Federation, and in conjunction with its 119 member organizations, this pledge is just one example of our unity and sincerity in golf’s Olympic effort. 在国际高尔夫球联合会的领导下,并且在119个会员组织的通力合作下,这个承诺只是我们让高尔夫回归奥运会的团结和诚意的一个例子。 Many people have asked: “Why does golf want to be part of the Olympic Games? It already has Major Championships and successful golf tours all around the world. Why does golf need the Olympics? 很多人都曾经问过:“为什么高尔夫希望成为奥林匹克运动会的一部分?它已经在世界各地成功举办大满贯赛和高尔夫巡回赛。为什么高尔夫需要奥运会?” It is very simple… we believe the power of the Olympic Games would help take our sport to new hearts and minds and locations in every corner of the world. And if that happens, the prospect for World Golf will become fully realized. 这是非常简单的...我们相信奥运会的力量将有助于把我们的运动带给以新的心灵和地点在世界的每一个角落。如果这种情况真的发生,高尔夫的世界图景将会充分实现。 Today we have over 60 million people of all ages worldwide – male and female – competing and playing our sport. From grass-roots programs for youth to globally telecast championships, golf has become a highly popular, dramatic and enduring sporting competition. We believe it is now time for our sport to take the next step, to join the Olympic Games, and we are confident that golf, its players and its governing bodies have never been more ready. 今天,全世界我们有超过6000万人不分年龄,包括男性和女性在共同竞争和享受高尔夫运动。从草根阶层的为青少年举办的比赛到全球电视转播的锦标赛,高尔夫已经成为一个非常受欢迎的,具有戏剧性的和持久的体育竞赛。我们相信现在是我们这项运动迈出下一步,加入奥运会的时候了,我们有信心高尔夫运动,运动员和高尔夫管理机构从来没有比现在更加准备充分。 To that end, I’d like to share with you three areas relevant to golf’s universality and our bid to be a part of the Olympic Programme: worldwide participation and diversity; economic impact; and our sport’s commitment to the youth of the world. Golf has grown in all these areas over the years but we believe our sport can grow even more dramatically if it were a part of the Olympic Games. 为此,我想与大家分享有关高尔夫球的普遍性以及我们可以奥运会项目原因的三个相关领域:一是全球参与和多样性; 二是经济影响力;三是我们运动世界各地青年的承诺。高尔夫在过去的时间里已经在所有这些领域都得到了发展,但我们相信,如果高尔夫成为奥运会的一个部分,我们的运动在这些领域的影响将更为显着。 Today golf is a very different sport than it was when golf was last played at the 1904 Olympic Games – when only two countries competed in golf. Worldwide participation has grown tremendously in recent decades among both men and women – at both the highest professional level and as a popular leisure activity. As a result, fan interest and the desire to play and watch golf is at an all-time high and increasing. 今天的高尔夫与它首次在奥运会赛场上出现时已经大为不同,那时是1904年的奥运会,只有两个国家参赛。在最近几十年中不论男子或女子在世界各地的参与都大大增加,并且在最高的专业水平层面和作为一个受欢迎的休闲活动都有更多人参与其中。其结果是,球迷的兴趣、打球的愿望以及观赏高尔夫比赛的渴望正处于一个历史最高水平,并有不断增长的趋势。 For example, in 2007 on the LPGA Tour, Mexico’s Lorena Ochoa won eight tournaments and Norway’s Suzann Pettersen won five. This year, 120 players – half the LPGA Tour’s membership – are from countries outside the United States. 例如,在2007年在LPGA巡回赛上,墨西哥的奥查娅赢得了8站比赛的冠军,挪威选手苏珊·佩特森获得5 站冠军。今年, 120名球员,相当于一半的LPGA巡回赛的成员,都来自美国之外的国家。 This year on the PGA TOUR, Vijay Singh, who hails from the tiny island nation of Fiji, won three tournaments and the largest prize fund in professional golf. The European’s Tour “Race to Dubai” in 2009 will feature 53 tournaments in 27 countries. 今年在美国职业高尔夫巡回赛上,维杰辛格,这个来自斐济小岛国的选手赢得了三站比赛的冠军和职业高尔夫界内最高的奖励基金。欧洲巡回赛 “迪拜之赛”将在2009年在27个国家举办53场比赛。 In fact, if you look at the current top-10 rankings for both men and women, the players hail from twelve different countries. On every continent in the world, there are successful professional golf tours for both men and women. Truly, a global sport being played at the very highest level. 事实上,如果你看一下目前世界排名前10位男女选手,你将发现这些选手来自12个不同的国家。在世界的每一快大陆上,都有成功的职业高尔夫巡回赛的男女选手存在。高尔夫是真正的高水平的全球性运动。 But it goes beyond just those accomplished athletes competing in tournaments spanning the globe. As you’ve heard we have more than 60 million people playing golf around the world. These golfers include young, old, male and female participants in almost 120 countries. The following statistics highlight the impressive, global reach of golf. 但是,高尔夫不仅仅是那些优秀运动员在全球各地进行比赛。正如您听过的那样,全球已经有超过6000万人在打高尔夫球。这些球员包括差不多120个国家和地区里面年轻的,年老的,男性和女性参加者。下面的统计数字突出了高尔夫在全球范围内令人印象深刻的成就。 > Golf participation in Asian is growing at a rate of 15 percent annually, with more than 7 million playing the game. 高尔夫在亚洲的增长率每年为百分之十五,现在有700万高球爱好者。 > The first golf course in China was built in 1985, and today there are more than 300 courses in that country. 中国的第一个高尔夫球场建成于1985年,现在中国有超过300家高尔夫球场。 > In Canada, 6 million people – approximately 20 percent of the population – play golf on a regular basis. 在加拿大,有600万人口,差不过是加拿大总人口的20%,经常打高尔夫球。 > And in Eastern Europe, there were only 10 golf courses as recently as 1992. Today, there are more than 150. 在东欧,在1992年的时候还只有10个高尔夫球场,今天也有超过150个球场。 These numbers reflect golf’s rich diversity. It is inclusive, a game that does not exclude participation or preclude success due to an athlete’s size, shape, age, stature or even his or her country of origin. 这些数字反映出高尔夫丰富的多样性。它是包容性的,高尔夫是一项不论运动员的身材大小、体型、年龄、地位,甚至他或她的原籍国都可以参与的并都有可能获得成功的运动。 From 70-year old grandfathers and their 10-year old granddaughters, to an urban child and a country-club member, to a veteran golf professional from China matched up against a rookie pro from Argentina. Golf welcomes all who want to participate and enjoy the benefits the sport has to offer. 不论是70岁的祖父和他10岁的孙女,一个城市孩子和一个乡村俱乐部成员,还是来自中国的经验丰富的专业高尔夫球选手对抗一个来自阿根廷的新人球员,高尔夫欢迎所有想参与而且享受这项运动所提供的乐趣的人们。 With all of those 60 million people playing golf, it’s no surprise that they are also watching and consuming the sport at ever increasing rates which leads me to my next point – the economic impact of golf. 所有这些6000万人打高尔夫球的人们,他们以日益增加的比率来观看并且消费这项运动的现象是不足为奇的,这也就是我将要论述的下一个问题,高尔夫对经济的影响。 Professional golf played at the highest levels is televised on a weekly basis in 216 countries, translated into 35 languages, with a reach of more than 500 million households. We believe this global reach can only grow if golf were part of the Olympic Games. 最高级别职业高尔夫比赛每周在216个国家的电视上播放,翻译成35种语言,可以达到超过5亿受众群。我们认为,如果高尔夫加入奥运会大家庭,在全球范围将会继续增长。 Golf also generates tremendous economic impact to the markets and countries in which it is played. How big is the golf industry? Currently, it is estimated that golf generates approximately $150 billion dollars annually on a worldwide basis. We believe this economic impact can only grow if golf were part of the Olympic Games. 高尔夫还对有高尔夫存在的市场和国家产生了巨大的经济影响。高尔夫产业到底有多大?目前,据估计高尔夫每年在全球范围内的产值约为1500亿美元。我们认为,如果高尔夫加入奥运会这一经济影响将会进一步增长。 But as we welcome all to the game – from all corners of the world, -- we know that to increase participation in our sport, we have to pay special attention to reaching out to youth and getting them involved in the game early … just as the Olympic Movement is dealing with similar challenges to ensure its relevance and attraction for young people. 但是,正如我们欢迎所有人加入高尔夫运动-从世界各个角落-我们知道要增加参与运动的人数,我们要特别注意深入到年轻人中,让他们尽早接触高尔夫...正如奥林匹克运动也面对同样挑战,以确保其实用性和吸引年轻人。 To that end, all members of the International Golf Federation, as well as every professional tour and governing body around the world, contributes to junior golf programs and youth initiatives to help ensure the future of our game. The World Golf Foundation’s “First Tee Programme” and the UK’s Golf Foundation programme are two great examples. 为此,国际高尔夫联合会的所有成员,以及世界上每一个专业赛事和管理机构,实施有青少年高尔夫项目和青年计划倡议,以帮助确保我们运动的未来。世界高尔夫基金会的“第一发球台计划”和英国的高尔夫基金会方案是两个突出的例子。 The mission of The First Tee is simple: To impact the lives of young people by providing learning facilities and educational programs that promote character-development and life-enhancing values through the game of golf. 第一洞发球台计划的使命很简单:在高尔夫运动中,通过提供相应的学习设施和教育计划来影响青年人的生活,从而促进年轻人性格的发展和增强其生命的价值。 Currently, The First Tee has nearly 3 million young people participating in 207 chapters, in 500 facilities, in five countries on three continents. 目前,第一洞发球台计划已吸引了300万年轻人参加,项目共举办了共计207期的培训, 使用了500个设施,这些年轻人来自3个大洲的5个国家。 The Golf Foundation, founded in 1952 and operated in England, Scotland and Wales introduces over 500,000 young people annually to golf through innovative school and inner-city programmes, as well as programmes aimed at youngsters with physical disabilities and learning difficulties. 成立于1952年的高尔夫基金会,在英格兰,苏格兰和威尔士每年通过创新学校城内计划介绍超过50万年轻人加入到高尔夫运动中,同时这个项目也致力于帮助那些身体残疾和有学习障碍的青少年。 In addition to the highly established First Tee and Golf Foundation Programmes, similar initiatives conducted by the China Golf Association are now working effectively in China and can only increase participation amongst the young people of China. 除了运作成熟的第一洞发球台项目和高尔夫基金会项目以外,中国高尔夫球协会目前也在推行类似的卓有成效的项目,这必将增加中国年轻人参与高尔夫球的人数。 And as children grow from participants in these and other developmental programs into true athletes, the golf world has responded to help them compete and develop their skills on a global stage. 当孩子们通过这样或那样的发展项目从参与者成长为真正的运动员,高尔夫世界将会帮助他们在一个全球性的舞台竞争和提高自己的技能。 For instance, the recent 2008 World Amateur Team Championships in Australia welcomed teams from 70 countries and five continents including teams from China in both the men’s and women’s competitions. 例如,最近在澳大利亚举办的2008年世界业余团体锦标赛接待了来自70个国家五个大洲包括中国队在内的运动员们参加男子和女子项目的比赛。 Golf’s worldwide participation and diversity, its economic impact, and its commitment to youth initiatives – point to one undisputable truth: golf is universal, worldwide and extremely popular, bringing with it legions of followers. 高尔夫的全球参与和多样性,其经济影响,以及发动青年参与的承诺倡议,所有这些都指向一个不争的事实:高尔夫普世性的,在全世界非常受欢迎,能够带来大批的追随者。 And while we believe that golf’s participation in the Olympic Games will take our sport to millions of new hearts and minds around the world, we also believe that the world’s passionate interest in our sport and its stars – both male and female – will serve the Olympic Movement well. 同时我们相信高尔夫加入奥运会将我们的运动带给世界各地数以百万计的人们,我们也相信全世界对我们的运动的热情关注和高尔夫的运动明星-包括男性和女性-将能够很好地服务奥林匹克运动。 As I’ve said, we believe that golf has the global reach, popularity and dedication necessary to be included in the Olympic programme. I thank you for this opportunity to share with you today golf’s united Olympic dream and our hopes for even more universality and worldwide popularity for our sport… so that the goal of World Golf can be more fully realized. 正如我先前所说,我们认为高尔夫的全球影响力,受欢迎程度和献身精神使得它有必要被列入奥运会项目。我感谢大家给我这个机会,让我与大家分享当今世界高尔夫球界共同的奥林匹克梦想,我们希望高尔夫能够具有更强的普适性成为全球普及的运动...所以世界高尔夫目标可以更充分地实现。
(现场摄影/报道:golftime·阿沛) |