
高尔夫与海南旅游的发展 主讲人:海南省委原书记 阮崇武 (2009年2月17日) Golf and the Development of Tourism in Hainan 17th Feb. 2009
各位嘉宾,各位朋友: 大家好! Dear guests and friends: Good morning everyone! First of call, please allow me to give my best greetings for the success of the Chinese Golf High Peak Forum in Haina and my best wishes of New Year for everyone here. 正值新春之际,对中国高尔夫高峰论坛在海南的成功举办表示热烈的祝贺!向在座各位嘉宾和朋友致以新春祝福! 近年来,海南一直致力于把高尔夫运动资源和热带海岛度假休闲旅游资源有效整合起来,在高尔夫旅游方面取得了长足进步。据统计,全岛已建成20个符合国际标准的高尔夫球场,成为中国高尔夫球场最密集地区之一,有越来越多的球场和旅行社推出高尔夫旅游项目,如 “高尔夫+机票+酒店”休闲之旅就吸引了很多中外游客特别是韩国和日本游客来海南消费高尔夫旅游,高尔夫旅游已发展成为海南旅游的六大主打产品之一。 In recent years, Hainan has been dedicated to effectively combine golf resources with tropical island holiday leisure tourism resources together; and has made considerable progress in the golf tourism. According to statistics, there are 20 golf courses which reach the international standards all over the island; Hainan is one of the most intensive areas for golf courses in China. More and more golf course and travel agencies launch golf tourism projects, such as leisure tour with "golf plus airfare plus hotel" included has attracted a lot of Chinese and foreign tourists, especially tourists come from Korea and Japan, golf tourism has developed into one of the six main tourism products in Hainan. 随着国际旅游岛的建设,海南高尔夫旅游也迎来了新的春天。 海南拥有开展高尔夫旅游不可多得的资源优势,明媚的阳光,湛蓝的海水,洁净的沙滩,清新的空气,宜人的气候。目前营业的20家国际标准高尔夫球场大多坐落在风景名胜区或旅游度假区内,拥有优美的自然风光和浓郁的热带风情,周边景区、高星级酒店、温泉疗养、海滨浴场等度假设施十分完备,加上长夏无冬的气候,四季如春的氛围,使高尔夫球运动同休闲度假完美结合在一起,这正是海南高尔夫在中国乃至亚洲的突出特色和资源优势。每年11月至次年3月,我国的北方已是冰天雪地,草枯叶黄,不能打球了,而海南的高尔夫球场仍是绿草如茵,满目青翠,这时正是高尔夫游客最多的季节。加上亚龙湾、天涯海角、南海观音等的品牌景区、景点,对海南旅游发展带来新的机遇,打响“海南岛——世界的高尔夫球岛”的概念,为高端客源搭建全方位的旅游平台,促进海南旅游走向世界。 Along with the construction of the international tourism island, Hainan Golf Tourism also ushers in a new spring. Hainan has uncompetitive advantages to develop golf tourism: bright sunshine, blue seawater, clean beaches, fresh air, and pleasant climate. The current 20 international standard golf courses in operation are mostly located in the scenic spots or tourist resort area with beautiful natural scenery and tropical surrounding. High standard hotel, spa, bathing beach and other resort facilities are to be found easily around the courses. Further more the long summer without winter weather, spring like atmosphere makes golf the perfect combination of leisure. It is the reason why golf in Hainan gets the prominent status in China and even in Asia. Each year from November to March of the following year, Chinas north is the world of ice and snow, the grass and trees are yellow, the cold weather makes it almost impossible to play golf there. While golf courses in Hainan are still as green as always, this is the most visited golf season. Together with the scenery attractions like Yalong Bay, Tian ya hai jiao, the South China Sea Guanyin, golf brings new opportunities for the tourism development in Hainan, enriching “Hainan Island - the worlds golf island" concept. Golf makes it possible to build a full range of high-end tourism platform to promote tourism in Hainan into the world. 高尔夫旅游也促进了对房地产的发展。一片球场就如同一座生态公园,不仅负离子含量高,同时其绿草如茵、树木成林、小溪萦绕的景观都是人们追求居家环境的首选目标。因球场而带动的周边土地增值、房产增值为周边群众就业,增加收入,做出了重要贡献。从国外的情况来看,高尔夫球场与高尔夫房地产建设的关联度在95%以上。高尔夫是很好的旅游资源,据不完全统计,高尔夫旅游爱好者的消费支出是一般旅游人士的5到10倍。 Golf tourism has also promoted the development of real estate. A golf course is just like an ecological park, not only the negative ion content was high, but also the green grass, trees, forest, streams lingering in the landscape are the preferred home environment. Driven by the construction of the course, the surrounding land value and property value raises. The course may also make an important contribution to bring job opportunities for the surrounding people and increase their revenue. Judging from the situation from abroad, the related degree of golf courses and golf real estate construction is more than 95%. Golf is a very good tourism resource, according to incomplete statistics, the spending of golf enthusiasts is in general 5-10 times more than regular tourists. 发展高尔夫球旅游可在新农村建设中发挥积极的作用。目前,出于保护土地资源等考虑,国家对高尔夫球场建设实行限制,我们发展高尔夫旅游也同样坚持不占用基本农田,而是把石头地、坡地、荒漠化地、废弃地、垃圾填埋场建设成为高尔夫球场,通过改造环境,修复环境,绿化环境,不光保护了环境,还要把荒芜的地方美化起来。发展高尔夫旅游还能积极带动就业。按照标准球场18洞为例,可以带来的就业机会300至400人(包括球会运作、球场保养人员、球童等),特别是农村剩余劳动力的就业机会,可明显带动地区经济。 The development of golf tourism plays an active role in the new rural development. At present, for the protection of land resources, there are restrictions of golf course construction. We have also insisted on not occupy basic farmland to developed golf tourism, we only convert the stone fields, the sloping fields, desertification fields, the abandoned lands, and landfill sites into golf course. Through the transformation of the environment, the original environment could be developed into beautiful scenery area. The construction of golf course in Hainan not only protects the environment, but also beautifies the barren place up. Golf tourism development could also actively promote employment. Taking the standard 18-hole golf course as an example, it can generate employment opportunities for 300-400 people (including the operation of the club, the golf course maintenance staff, caddies, etc.), especially for the surplus labor force of the rural area, thus it can significantly stimulate the regional economy. 为促进海南高尔夫产业积极健康发展,重点要把握好四个方面。 一是要坚持与国民经济发展的速度相同步。高尔夫球运动与社会经济发展和人们的生活水平、消费支付能力有着密切的关系。根据国际高尔夫球俱乐部发展的规律,一个国家或地区人均GDP 达到1000 美元左右时,高尔夫球运动进入起步发展期;人均GDP 在2500 美元左右时,高尔夫球运动进入提速发展期;人均GDP 达到5000 美元左右时,高尔夫球运动进入快速发展期。中国,也包括海南的经济发展潜力及其发展速度为高尔夫球运动奠定了基础和客观动力。因此,我们要把握好与社会经济发展速度同步,不失时机地推进高尔夫球的协调发展,提升“海岛高球”的品牌,努力开拓国内外高尔夫市场。 To promote the positive and healthy development of Hainan golf industry, one should focus on the following four aspects: First, we must adhere to develop golf in synchronous speed with national economic development. Golf is closely related to socio-economic development, peoples living standards, and consumption ability. In accordance with the experience of international golf club, when the development of a country or region achieves per capita GDP of about 1000 U.S. dollars, the development of golf is into the starting period; per capita GDP in about 2500 U.S. dollars, the development of golf is into the acceleration period; per capita GDP reached 5000 U.S. dollars, then golf is about to enter the rapid development period. The economic development speed and potential of China, including Hainan guarantees the foundation and objective motivation of golf. Therefore, we must grasp the socio-economic development with the speed of synchronization, lose no time in pushing forward the coordinated development of golf to enhance the "Golf Island" brand, and strive to expand domestic and international golf market. 二是要坚持与资源的有效利用政策相符合。我国是个耕地资源短缺、水资源相对不足且分布不均衡的国家。我国可耕地面积只占国土面积的10%左右,土地沙化、土地退化、土地污染又十分严重。我国人均所占水资源仅相当于世界人均占有量的四分之一,同时还存在着人口分布、自然降水不均衡的现象,随着经济的发展,水体污染问题也十分突出。这些都是实际国情,海南同样必须严格执行国家对水土资源利用的相关政策,科学、规范、有效地利用好一些边缘性资源,在不违背国家政策法规的前提下,要认真学习和借鉴国外球场建设的先进经验,海南在高尔夫球场建设的规划、选址和建设中,要充分考虑我国国情和海南岛岛情,充分注意地质、地貌、水源、气候、日照等,利用荒地、山地、砂荒地、灌木坡地、火山岩台地,经过环境整治,植树铺草,开沟蓄水,铺筑步道。一改环境退化杂乱为景观优美愉悦,形成一道靓丽风景线,提高了土地利用率,也获得比农田要高的土地产出率。海南独特区域地理,给发展高尔夫提供了施展拳脚的余地,也是高尔夫球市发展的最重要的优势所在。 Second, we must insist on the efficient use of resources in line with policy. China has a shortage of arable land resource, and water resources are relatively insufficient and uneven distributed in the country. Chinas arable land area is only about 10% of the nation’s whole territory. At the same time, we are facing very serious land desertification, land degradation and land pollution. Chinas per capita share of water resources is only about a quarter of the world average level, and also the existence of population distribution, natural precipitation imbalance, along with economic development, water pollution problems are also very prominent. These are the actual conditions; Hainan has to strictly enforce the use of land and water resources-related policies. The use of a good number of marginal resources should follow the principle of science, standardization and efficiency. Under the premise of not contrary to national policies, laws and regulations, it is necessary to seriously study and learn the advanced experience from foreign course construction. The planning, site selecting and construction of golf course in Hainan, should give full consideration to the national conditions of China and Hainan Island, and give full attention to geology, geomorphology, water, climate, sunshine and so on. By use of barren land, mountain area, sandy wasteland, shrub slope, volcanic tableland to achieve the goal environmental improvement. By golf course one could change the depredated, disordered environment into beautiful landscape; improve land use efficiency, even higher than agricultural land. Hainans unique regional geography provides a room for the development of golf industry. 三是要坚持拉动与高尔夫相关产业的发展。高尔夫产业是一个巨大的行业,涉及高尔夫生产市场、高尔夫服务市场、高尔夫消费市场和和高尔夫产业发展的边缘市场等众多行业。到目前为止,与高尔夫相关的产品有几十大类,2000多个品种。粗略地划分,可以将高尔夫产品分成以下七个门类: Third, we should pull with golf-related industries. Golf industry is a huge industry, involving the golf production market, golf services, golf consumer market, marginal market of golf industry and many other industries. So far, golf-related products could be divided into dozens of categories, more than 2000 varieties. Roughly divided, golf products can be classified into the following seven categories: 文化传媒类产品。重大赛事与传媒的结合形成高尔夫文化产品的主体,包括电视转播、广告、门票等; 器具服饰类产品。与球场和打球直接相关的器具(球、球杆、球包、运动服等)的制造、销售; 建设设计类产品。球场的设计、规划、建设,包括施工、装修、美化与维护,启用后还有管理、推广、保养、维修等一系列工作; 休闲运动产品。包括俱乐部会员管理服务、打球过程本身的产品和服务; 服务类产品。为打球者提供的总体服务项目,包括交通、旅行社、旅店、餐饮业等连带产业群。 就目前海南高尔夫产业的发展情况看,高尔夫旅游发展相对较好,其次是高尔夫球会经营、高尔夫房地产和高尔夫赛事,而高尔夫产业的其他行业发展的空间还很大。 Culture and media product. Major events combined with the media form the main body of golf cultural product, including television relaying, advertising, tickets, etc.; Apparatus and apparel product. The manufacture and sale of apparatus which are directly related to the course and game, such as golf balls, clubs, club bags, sportswear, etc.; Building and design product. Golf course design, planning, construction, including the construction process, decoration, landscaping and maintenance, as well as the management, promotion, maintenance, repair and other work after the opening; Leisure sports product. Including management services for members of the club and services during the playing of the game; Services product. Providing the service for overall projects, including transportation, travel agencies, hotels, restaurants and other related industries. On the current development situation of Hainan golf industry, the development of golf tourism is relatively good, followed by the golf club management, golf real estate and golf tournament, while the development of other sectors of golf industry still has very great potential. 四是要坚持数量与质量的协调。目前海南已拥有20家球场,但衡量一个地区高尔夫发展水平的绝不仅是看球场的数量,还要看球场的质量、球场服务与经营水平。根据研究表明,一个地区高尔夫俱乐部数量与质量的科学合理比例为:高档球场:中档球场:低档球场(包括公众球场)为2:3:5。从海南目前高尔夫球场发展看,今后着力点在于提高质量上,要有计划地、适量地增加海南高尔夫球场的数量,切忌不顾海南旅游业发展的实际状况和高尔夫行业的实际需求,一哄而上,造成恶性竞争,争抢客源的局面。在规划新球场项目时,对球场类型要精心选择,打造一批世界百佳球场,形成品牌效应,同时也要考虑建设一批公众高尔夫球场,普及推广群众性的高球运动,促进海南高尔夫整体水平的提高。 Fourth, we should adhere to the coordination of quantity and quality. At present, Hainan has 20 golf courses, but to measure the level of development of a region of golf one must not only look at the number of course, one should also base one’s judgment on the quality of the course, service and operating level. According to studies have shown that a reasonable and scientific proportion of the quantity and quality of a region’s golf clubs as follows: high-end golf course: mid-range golf course: low-end golf course (including a public golf course) is 2:3:5. From the current development of Hainan golf course, the future focus is to improve quality, which must increase the number of golf courses in Hainan by appropriate planning. Hainans tourism development must not disregard the actual situation and the golf industrys actual needs, rushing headlong into mass action, resulting in vicious competition and the competition for customers. In planning the new course project, the type of course should be carefully selected to create a group of world’s top 100 courses, to build the reputation of the new course and consider the formation of brand effect. At the same time, we should take into account the construction of a number of public golf courses, the promotion of mass popularity of golf sports, to promote the overall level of golf in Hainan province. 女士们,先生们,高尔夫运动与旅游活动的结合是一种互补共生、合作双赢的关系。高尔夫运动在中国已经走过了20多年的风雨历程,目前中国高尔夫球运动正处在快速发展的重要时期。海南是一个“度假天堂”,一年四季都可以挥杆,高尔夫旅游完全可以作为海南的一个产业来发展。我衷心地希望大家对海南高尔夫旅游产业发展的给予更多的关注和支持,也竭诚欢迎大家前来海南度假旅游、打球健身、投资建设。 谢谢大家! Ladies and gentlemen, the combination of golf and tourism is a complementary symbiosis, cooperation, win-win relationship. Golf in China has gone through more than 20 years of stormy road; currently golf in China is in an important period of rapid development. Hainan is a "holiday paradise", one can swing throughout the year, and golf tourism in Hainan can be developed as an industry. I sincerely hope that everyone give more attention and support on Hainan golf tourism industry, and I also sincerely welcome everyone come to Hainan to spend vacation, travel, play golf, invest and construct. Thank you! (现场摄影/报道:golftime·阿沛) |